Tag: Sport

Why you should go to yoga

Why you should go to yoga

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. There is a broad…

Yoga is a way to freedom

Yoga is a way to freedom

When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But when the…

For those wounded by civilization, yoga is the most healing salve

For those wounded by civilization, yoga is the most healing salve

Mountain pose teaches us, literally, how to stand on our own two…

Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are

Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are

Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy,…

Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity

Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity

You can enter yoga, or the path of yoga, only when you…



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